Topic: A Homunculus Guide ~ stat focused |
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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 Posts: 26 Location: Planet Earth
Post subject: A Homunculus Guide ~ stat focused |
A basic guide with some math behind the Homunculi stats.
I lost my columns copying this to the forums. I have faith you can figure it out.
If you only have a Homunculus for aesthetic purposes, then this guide isn't for you.
I worked a lot of this out as I wrote it.
Homunculi on Reign can achieve level 150, as opposed to the max level of 99 on iro. This lends itself to some interesting changes to the 'balance' originally intended for your Homunculus.
I used and the pages for Amistr, Filir, Lif, and Vanilmirth to figure the numbers for our higher max level. I do not repeat everything there and encourage you check it out for yourself.
All credit to irowiki.
-Homunculus AI
The user AI that comes with client requires a very hands-on approach. Downloading a custom AI for leveling purposes could be to your benefit. The mirAI from mirandablade works well and has an easy to use control panel. Other AI recommended are the Rampage AI, and the AzzyAI. I've never tried either, so I can't say how good or bad they may be. Some custom AI work with the mercenary system (mirAI does not as far as I know) so you may wish to find one that suits you. Any AI that someone else has found to work well, please share.
Extrapolate your new AI to the ReignOnline\AI\USER_AI folder. In-game type /hoai then vaporize and recall your Hom, it should then be active.
The Homunculus will share 100% of the Base Exp it gains with you. It will share 0% Job Exp. If it assists you (or you assist it) you will gain 125% the Base Exp. Job Exp will be based on what % of the damage dealt came from you. Killing with the Homunculus will reduce the amount of Exp it recieves.
Once your Intimacy with your Homunculus exceeds 910, it can be evolved with a Stone of Sage. Your Homunculus will gain 1-10 points in each of its stats at random. There is no % chance of how many points you get where, just random. Once evolved, your Homunculus will have it's intimacy drop down to Hate. Raising the intimacy again will gain you access to a special evolved skill.
-Homunculus Stats/HP/SP
@homstats will show the min and max possible for each stat
How many stat points, Hit Points, and Spell Points your Homunculus gets at each level is based on a % chance, much like the loot drop from a mob. The % chance can be different for each stat depending on your Homunculus type. Vanilmirth is the only Homunculus to use the same % chance for each of its 6 stats. The % chance of how many HP and SP is different for each Homunculus type. If you are lucky, at level 150, your Homunculus will have stats you could only dream of having at that level. Having poor stats in the beginning can set an unhealthy trend. If your Homunculus stats are below average early on, then it is unlikely they will ever recover. Deleting a 'bad' Homunculus before you get too invested could save some distress later. Every Homunculus I've seen has dipped below the average, and all that I've seen maxed have at least 1 below average stat. As long as it is not the stat you wanted most, it will probably be okay. Focus on the positive.
Losing or gaining a single stat point every 30 levels while within 5 of the average, is still average. Deviating more than 5 off the average before 150 shows significance, a possible trend. Once a stat is 15 points or more either above or below the average at level 150, that stat is designated in the upper or lower 5%.
The chance of having every stat listed in the top 5% is over 1 in 1,000,000. (0.05^6)
If you have more points above average than below, then your Homunculus is above average (logically) and you should be proud.
Mobs hate the Homunculus more than they hate you. If you make use of teleport, you and the Homunculus will appear in the same square and you will never be targeted first. The Homunculus does not suffer a reduction in FLEE with each additional mob as a player does. These 2 attributes combined make for effective 'tank' Homunculi provided the mobs do not attack the Homunculus' weakest defense. Avoid mobs with shield reflect skill to avoid the sacrificial lamb. If more than 1 mob get the Homunculus' attention at the same time, there is a small chance that it's indecision on which target to go after will result in it doing nothing.
ALT+R will open your Homunculus Window
@hominfo will show you all the info not in the window
best intimacy rate is gained by feeding your Homunculus between 11-24 hunger
letting the Homunculus starve, or feeding >75 will reduce your intimacy
-Homunculus Early Leveling
No matter what Homunculus you play, they can all start about the same.
Let the Homunculus kill solo for now, be ready to resurrect as needed.
Use warpra to go to Hidden Maze Dungeon, enter and let the Homunculus kill all the Fabre, portal up, let it kill all the Stainer, portal down, walk across (or kill) Mantis, let it kill all the Caramels, and portal back left to Savages. Stay here or earlier as needed. After the Homunculus is killing Savages competently, you can switch to Argiope and up to Sidewinder. If you can find the path (or like to teleport), Smokies give a good Exp for their level if Savages are too tough. You will have your Homunculus to level 30 before you ever need to feed it. This is a good point to compare your Homunculus stats to the average, and if necessary, delete and start again.
Vanilmirth -a Jelly-Slime Slap Sage
A single target magic striker and off-tank
I highly recommend this Homunculus if you need a leveling partner, it will keep up with you better than most all the way to 255
-has the best chance of reaching 196 aspd
-has the highest average stat of any Homunculus
-fastest leveler
-2nd form considered Formless (all other Homunculi considered demi-human)
-Caprice skill one of the few ways a Homunculus can hope to hit in PvP and WoE
-Chaotic Benediction skill can heal you or your Homunculus. -con: if used in battle, it may heal your enemy
-Change Instruction skill grants 5 INT -Unfortunately the str bonus listed will go away if you ever level, teleport, zone or relog (srsly?wtf)
-best chance of all Homunculi to have a dex high enough to hit a max level opponent (but I wouldn't count on this...)
-evolved skill Self Destruction capable of a good bit of damage, but requires >450 intimacy and will reduce intimacy to Hate level each use. not realisticly reliable.
Starting Stats
HP: 80
SP: 11
11 11 11 11 11 11
Level up bonus Str/Agi/Vit/Int/Dex/Luk
+0 9/29 (31.03%)
+1 10/29 (34.48%)
+2 10/29 (34.48%)
+3 1/29 (3.44%)
These numbers came straight off the irowiki site. Notice how they seem to start with 103.43% total. Also, 9+10+10+1=30, not 29. These people are crazy. From this they got...
Average Stat Growth
HP: +90
SP: +3.5
+1.1 +1.1 +1.1 +1.1 +1.1 +1.1
For HP and SP there's no % listed on the wiki. Total HP will be affected by VIT. Total SP will be affected by INT. So don't look for a direct corolation of numbers.
It looks like SP follows the %s above with +2/3/4/5 SP per level and HP does the same with 80/85/90/95 or some such. This a guess. As such, I will focus on stat progression.
Examples of average stats and the low end of the upper 5% to compare as you go.
If we assume they meant for real numbers, and assign a fraction of n/30, then
STAT 11+(1.1*[level-1])
Level 31- average stat 44 (top 5% stat 50)
Level 51- avg 66 (74)
Level 71- avg 88 (98 )
Level 91- avg 110 (122)
Level 111- avg 132 (146)
Level 131- avg 154 (170)
Level 150- avg 175 (193) avg HP before VIT 13410, avg SP before INT 326
this all assumes that the math on irowiki is accurate (lol), it unfortunately looks very un-Gravity-like.
Assuming they ment for an excess of 100% then an alternate method yields -
Level 150- avg 180 (198?) when using the n/29 fraction in place of the 1.1 approximation. A 5 point higher average (30 points overall) this seems statistically more accurate.
This method shifts the average at 31 down 1 level to level 30, so following every 29 levels past first yields
STAT 11+(33/29*[level-1])
level 30- avg 44
level 59- avg 77
level 88- avg 110
level 117- avg 143
level 146- avg 176
level 150- avg 180,(after evolution, add 5.5 average)
Evolution will grant another 1-10 points in each stat at random.
I think following this pattern we will see many more 'average' Vanilmirths, but it looks more accurate. It also makes me wonder how they figure their top 5%. At level 150, top 25% looks to be 185, and top 5% with 195.
The final option assumes they meant for n/29, but with one of the numbers of 9/10/10/1 being less by 1. Without know which number to subtract from, I cannot generate an accurate average model.
Either way, there's still a 1-10 bonus to each stat once evolved.
After Hidden Dungeon
Cursed Abbey 2 will make good use of Caprice and Thanatos Tower level 7 (I think it was 7, I'm thinking of the level after the first empty stairway) can get you to 150 fairly easy.
I tried to avoid any area strong in one element fire/water/earth/wind. No sense in randomly casting a Cold Bolt on the Ice Titan (for example).
Any place you could take a Slap Sage slumming.
Amistr a.k.a. The Tank
Defender, good for holding an enemy letting you AD/cast from a distance, OR for providing a temporary DEF buff to get you the 2nd highest (non-ahura) Hard Def possible in the game, making you a tank too.
-consistent melee damage, not skill dependent with 2nd highest STR
-highest Hard Def with Adamantine Skin Skill
-good Soft Def with 2nd highest VIT
-Mdef sucks, as INT sucks
-lowest DEX gives it lowest HIT
-Castling Skill doesn't encourage mobs to change target like it should. Run the Amistr to the edge of your screen before using for a short teleport like Monk skill Snap, long cool down though.
-Defense Skill grants 10 Def to both you and the Amistr, just remeber to activate it every 20 seconds to keep the buff up
-Evolved Skill Bloodlust lets the Amistr do 150% normal damage, lasts 5 minutes at level 5, but 15 minute cooldown.
-able to take a hit makes for steady leveling
-Amistr and you die faster to ice pick/Thana users, but slower to all other non-crit physical attackers
Starting Stats
20 17 35 11 24 12
HP: 320
SP: 10
Level up bonus Str Agi Vit Int Dex Luk
+0 2/13 (15.38%) 6/17 (35.29%) 6/17 (35.29%) 9/10 (90%) 7/17 (41.17%) 7/17 (41.17%)
+1 10/13 (76.92%) 10/17 (58.82%) 10/17 (58.82%) 1/10 (10%) 10/17 (58.82%) 10/17 (58.82%)
+2 1/13 (7.69%) 1/17 (5.88%) 1/17 (5.88%)
Yay! The Amistr people understand the idea of 100%. I can trust 99.99% much more than Vanilmirth's.
Average Stat Growth
HP: +105
SP: +2.5
+0.92 +0.71 +0.71 +0.1 +0.59 +0.59
I don't want to give decimals for average stats, instead I think following the fraction through its progress will give a better understanding, and definite check-points. Level 150 of course cannot be avoided.
Three different rates of growth are expressed through four diferent patterns. I grouped the n/17 for convenience.
STR 20+(12/13*[level-1])
At level 27- average 44
level 40 - avg 56
level 53 - avg 68
level 66 - avg 80
level 79 - avg 92
level 92 - avg 104
level 105 - avg 116
level 118 - avg 128
level 131 - avg 140
level 144 - avg 152
level 150 - avg 157.54
AGI 17+(12/17*[level-1]) , VIT 35+(12/17*[level-1]) and DEX 24+(10/17*[level-1]) , LUK 12+(10/17*[level-1])
level 35 - avg AGI 41, avg VIT 59, avg DEX 44, avg LUK 32
level 52 - avg AGI 53, avg VIT 71, avg DEX 54, avg LUK 42
level 69 - avg AGI 65, avg VIT 83, avg DEX 64, avg LUK 52
level 86 - avg AGI 77, avg VIT 95, avg DEX 74, avg LUK 62
level 103 - avg AGI 89, avg VIT 107, avg DEX 84, avg LUK 72
level 120 - avg AGI 101, avg VIT 119, avg DEX 94, avg LUK 82
level 137 - avg AGI 113, avg VIT 131, avg DEX 104, avg LUK 92
level 150 - avg AGI 122.2, avg VIT 140.2, avg DEX 111.6, avg LUK 99.6
INT 11+(1/10*[level-1])
level 31 - avg 14
level 51 - avg 16
level 71 - avg 18
level 91 - avg 20
level 111 - avg 22
level 131 - avg 24
level 150 - avg 25.9
So, Level 150 (after evoluton, add 5.5 average)
157.5 , 122.2 , 140.2 , 25.9 , 111.6 , 99.6
Evolution will grant another 1-10 points in each stat at random
Let's consider the average Amistr's 2 def types
Armor Def = [Level / 10] + [VIT / 5] for Homunculi. If level 150 with 140 VIT, you get base Hard Def 43 +20(from Adamantine Skin) +10(from Defense) =73 Hard Def +140 VIT Def. Good.
Mdef = [Level / 10] + [INT / 5] for Homunculi. If level 150 with 25 INT, you get 20 Hard Mdef +26 INT Mdef. Bad.
After Hidden Dungeon, stay away from mobs that attack Mdef.
Outside Turtle Dungeon, Juperos and Cursed Abbey 2 keep the focus on physical damage and away from magic. Explore the Ash Vacuum maps to finish out to 150. (untested, suggestions?)
Any place you would take a non-donate Lord Knight/Paladin to level seems appropriate.
FIlir ...The Bird One
Single target melee striker
-highest skill based melee damage
-worst Def with worst VIT
-evolved skill S.B.R.44 does between 100~300,000 damage 100~300*(intimacy-1), with high intimacy, most powerful single target Homunculus Skill
-Accelerated Flight skill does not work at all
-Moonlight skill is spammable 660% attack like a mini sonic blow
-Flitting skill boosts attack to 130% (stacks with Moonlight) and increases aspd 15; cast delay isn't too bad, if you use only level 1 (110% and aspd 3) it can be a maintainable buff as cast delay and skill duration are the same.
Starting Stats
29 35 9 8 30 9
HP: 90
SP: 25
Level up bonus Str Agi Vit Int Dex Luk
+0 6/17 (35.29%) 2/13 (15.38%) 9/10 (90%) 7/17 (41.17%) 6/17 (35.29%) 7/17 (41.17%)
+1 10/17 (58.82%) 10/13 (76.92%) 1/10 (10%) 10/17 (58.82%) 10/17 (58.82%) 10/17 (58.82%)
+2 1/17 (5.88%) 1/13 (7.69%) 1/17 (5.88%)
Average Stat Growth
HP: +60
SP: +4.5
+0.71 +0.92 +0.1 +0.59 +0.71 +0.59
Done as with the Amistr stats.
VIT 8+(1/10*[level-1])
level 31 - avg 11
level 51 - avg 13
level 71 - avg 15
level 91 - avg 17
level 111 - avg 19
level 131 - avg 21
level 150 - avg 22.9
AGI 35+(12/13*[level-1])
At level 27- average 59
level 40 - avg 71
level 53 - avg 83
level 66 - avg 95
level 79 - avg 107
level 92 - avg 119
level 105 - avg 131
level 118 - avg 143
level 131 - avg 155
level 144 - avg 167
level 150 - avg 172.54
STR 29+(12/17*[level-1]) ,DEX 30+(12/17*[level-1]) and INT 8+(10/17*[level-1]) ,LUK 9 +(10/17*[level-1])
level 35 - avg 53, avg 54, avg 28, avg LUK 29
level 52 - avg 65, avg 66, avg 38, avg LUK 39
level 69 - avg 77, avg 78, avg 48, avg LUK 49
level 86 - avg 89, avg 90, avg 58, avg LUK 59
level 103 - avg 101, avg 102, avg 68, avg LUK 69
level 120 - avg 113, avg 114, avg 78, avg LUK 79
level 137 - avg 125, avg 126, avg 88, avg LUK 89
level 150 - avg 134.2, avg 135.2, avg 96.6, avg LUK 97.6
So, Level 150 (after evoluton, add 5.5 average)
134.2 , 172.5 , 22.9 , 96.6 , 135.2 , 97.6
Evolution will grant another 1-10 points in each stat at random.
After Hidden, try Nif, then maybe Rachel Sanctuary. Cursed Abbey, end with thana tower or in the Ash Vacuum.
Filir levels like a moderate agi SinX that spams SB, and has the INT to keep it up.
Lif -the flower child
-supportive roll, can heal and increase movement speed (rest and recall to avoid aftercast)
-no weak stat
-slowest leveler
-Lif add new meaning to "traveling salesman".
-all skills actually do what they say =)
-evolved skill uses INT for melee, relatively strong, great leveling tool, but comes after evolution =/
Starting Stats
12 20 15 35 24 12
HP: 150
SP: 40
Level up bonus Str Agi Vit Int Dex Luk
+0 5/15 (33.33%) 5/15 (33.33%) 5/15 (33.33%) 6/17 (35.29%) 4/15 (26.66%) 4/15 (26.66%)
+1 10/15 (66.66%) 10/15 (66.66%) 10/15 (66.66%) 10/17 (58.82%) 10/15 (66.66%) 10/15 (66.66%)
+2 1/17 (5.88%) 1/15 (6.66%) 1/15 (6.66%)
Average Stat Growth
HP: +80
SP: +6.5
+0.67 +0.67 +0.67 +0.71 +0.8 +0.8
INT 35+(12/17*[level-1])
level 35 - avg 59
level 52 - avg 71
level 69 - avg 83
level 86 - avg 95
level 103 - avg 107
level 120 - avg 119
level 137 - avg 131
level 150 - avg 140.2
STR 12+(10/15*[level-1]) ,AGI 20+(10/15*[level-1]) ,VIT 15(10/15[level-1])
level 31 - avg 32 avg 40 avg 35
level 46 - avg 42 avg 50 avg 45
level 61 - avg 52 avg 60 avg 55
level 76 - avg 62 avg 70 avg 65
level 91 - avg 72 avg 80 avg 75
level 106 - avg 82 avg 90 avg 85
level 121 - avg 92 avg 100 avg 95
level 136 - avg 102 avg 110 avg 105
level 150 - avg 111.3 avg 119.3 avg 114.3
DEX 24+(12/15*[level-1]) , LUK 12+(12/15*[level-1])
level 31 - avg 48 avg 36
level 46 - avg 60 avg 48
level 61 - avg 72 avg 60
level 76 - avg 84 avg 72
level 91 - avg 96 avg 84
level 106 - avg 108 avg 96
level 121 - avg 120 avg 108
level 136 - avg 132 avg 120
level 150 - avg 143.2 avg 131.2
So, Level 150 (after evolution, add 5.5 average)
111.3 , 119.3 , 114.3 , 140.2 , 143.2 , 131.2
Evolution will grant another 1-10 points in each stat at random.
Where to level... it's like a full support priest, but you can't share Exp with it... no idea. I never got a Lif to 150. Suggestions?
edit: May 4, 2010 -forgot @homstats... oops. _________________
Last edited by meowczar on Tue May 04, 2010 10:14 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Sun May 02, 2010 1:15 am |
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Joined: 05 Aug 2009 Posts: 1370 Location: California
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Vapor! I see you're still active! And helping people as always! :0 _________________ I am Keita. :O
If you need any assistance, don't be afraid to
ask me via PM by Forums.
GonFreecs - Stalker 255
Katsura - Paladin 255
KeitatheChamp - Champ 255
Sakamoto - Whitesmith
Oda Nobunaga - Lord Knight
Miyamoto Musashi - Creator 255 |
Sun May 02, 2010 7:40 pm |
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Joined: 02 Mar 2008 Posts: 574 Location: Roanoke, VA
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i personally like azzy because it allows for powerlevelling without the inherent bugs that AIs like MIR have (the "orbit" feature really messes with the AI's ability to do meatshielding) _________________
Cycore : Minstrel | A Non E Moose : Lord Knight |
Sun May 02, 2010 8:00 pm |
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